If you own or manage a business you have undoubtedly seen the recent shifts in employee and consumer expectations. Consumers are much more conscious of cleanliness and sanitation protocols and employees
have become much more willing to seek greener pastures.
The ‘Great Resignation’ saw employees leaving workplaces at unprecedented rates in 2022 and employers struggling to staff their organizations. The COVID scare that began early in 2021 continues to this day and has shifted consumer expectations with regard to where and with whom they will do business.
While these economic shifts have caused some hardships for businesses and organizations, they also present opportunities. With the new year right around the corner now is the time to consider what policies and procedures you can implement to ensure success in 2023. Here are a few suggestions:
Take a serious look around your place of business. Is it optimizing your workflow or inhibiting your workflow? If the design of your workspace promotes chaos it is likely hurting your bottom line and aggravating your staff.
Consider holding a staff meeting to brainstorm ideas on how to make your workplace more efficient. You may find that your employees are a great source of inspiration. They work within the environment every day and are sure to have suggestions that will make their jobs easier.
Consider all suggestions and implement new policies and procedures that help promote efficiency and reduce chaos. Your staff will appreciate the fact that you value their opinions and you will likely realize greater efficiency.
Over the last couple of years, consumers’ expectations for cleanliness have grown exponentially. The same is true of employees. Both groups expect to see visible cleaning and sanitizing efforts as well as personal hygiene practices.
Establish a cleaning and disinfecting protocol that addresses these expectations. Whether you decide to utilize in-house staff or hire a commercial cleaning provider, establishing and enforcing cleaning protocols in the workplace is a win-win-win situation. It provides a safe place for you and your staff, is proven to increase productivity, and assures your customers that you take their health and safety seriously.
Be sure to offer and encourage the use of personal hygiene supplies such as hand sanitizers, face masks, and tissues. Also, be sure that soap dispensers, paper towels, and hand dryers are regularly stocked and operational.
Implementing environmental policies in the workplace can be as easy as adding recycle bins and utilizing green cleaning products. If you have the resources you might consider reducing paper waste by bringing your entire workflow online. Either way, going green not only benefits the environment but can benefit your bottom line as well.
Environmental friendliness is something that is almost universally appreciated. Your customers will respect the fact that you are doing your part to protect the environment and your employees will take pride in doing their part.
You should promote your cleaning and disinfecting protocols so that your customers feel safe in your establishment. Let them know with signage, flyers, and visible cleaning and disinfecting practices. Consider hiring a day porter or janitorial staff to maintain your facility during business hours.
You should also continue to promote the sharing of ideas among staff members with regard to optimizing your organization’s workflow. Consider asking employees to evaluate the changes that were made to see if they need tweaking and to ask for additional suggestions on how you can help them work smarter.
Keep your recycling bins clean and visible so that they get used and be sure to offer recycling options to your clients. Use recycled receipt paper and other green initiatives that consumers will take notice of.
While the business landscape has changed in recent years, there are steps that you can take to turn these changes into opportunities. Making small changes like those suggested here can help you to retain and attract staff, impress clients, and improve productivity.
If you would like to learn more about cleaning and sanitation protocols and the options that are available to you, feel free to contact Complete Care Maintenance.