end of lease cleaning


end of lease cleaning

Moving your business operations to a new commercial space can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you are moving to a larger space to accommodate your growing business or a smaller space to reduce overhead costs, clearing out and cleaning your current space is a top priority. Unfortunately, this aspect of your move is likely not one that you are looking forward to.

On top of all the logistics involved with packing and moving your office equipment, furniture, and files, you also need to make time for cleaning your current rental space. That is where it pays to hire a professional cleaning service.

You might feel that end-of-lease cleaning is a job that you and your staff can manage but the reality is that you are much better off hiring a qualified commercial cleaner. Here are just a few reasons why hiring professional cleaners can make your move easier and less stressful:

You’ll Get A Thorough Cleaning

While you and your staff may be able to manage the day-to-day cleaning of your commercial space, end-of-lease cleaning is a much bigger task. Once all of your company belongings are gone, there will be years of accumulated dust, dirt, and grime. If your commercial rental included furniture, appliances, and other amenities, these will require cleaning as well. When was the last time someone cleaned behind the refrigerator or copy machine?

Professional end-of-lease cleaning crews understand the importance of leaving a leased space thoroughly clean. They will bring all the necessary cleaning equipment, chemicals, and knowledge necessary to ensure that your leased space looks as good or better than the day you moved in.

It Will Save You Time

Relocating your business operations takes time, and time is money when it comes to business operations. The longer it takes you to complete your move the less downtime your business will incur. Professional cleaning crews have procedures and processes in place that make end-of-lease cleaning much more efficient, saving you time.

That is time that you can spend, moving, unpacking, and setting up your new commercial space. This allows you to get the new space up and running sooner, reducing downtime and making the entire transition smoother.

It Will Make Your Move Less Stressful

Moving is stressful. There is so much preparation involved when moving your business to a new address. Organizing, packing, inventory, address changes, updating of marketing materials, unpacking, reorganizing – the list goes on and on. Taking end-of-lease cleaning out of the equation will lighten your workload and reduce the stress placed on you and your staff.

You Are More Likely To Receive Your Full Deposit

Most, if not all landlords require tenants to pay a security deposit. In order to get that deposit back your commercial space needs to be thoroughly cleaned at the end of your lease and any damages need to be addressed. Vacuuming your office carpets will not remove coffee stains and wet mopping your hard-surface floors will not make them look new again. Professional cleaning services will address these issues with high-pressure carpet cleaning and floor polishing to ensure your commercial space looks its best.

In addition, once your space is thoroughly cleaned, it will be much easier to assess the property for any residual damage like chipped paint or torn carpets. This way you will be better prepared and able to make any necessary repairs.

It Makes You A Better Candidate For Future Leases

Nobody knows what the future holds and you never know when you might need to relocate your business again. It may seem unlikely while in the midst of your current relocation but it is always a possibility. Leaving your current leased property in pristine condition will make leasing a new property much easier down the road. Just like a good reference from a former employer makes you a better job candidate, a great reference from a former landlord makes your a better lease candidate.

The Bottom-Line

The bottom-line is that hiring professional end-of-lease cleaning services will save you time, money, and stress when the time comes to move your business operations to a new location. It will allow you to focus on all the many other things that come with relocating and be one less thing that you will need to worry about.