Green cleaning means more than using environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. Environmentally sound cleaning processes involve the use of proper chemicals, materials, equipment, and procedures designed to reduce negative impacts on the environment.
Green Seal cleaning products, HEPA filter vacuums, microfiber cleaning cloths, and eco-friendly plastics and paper products all contribute to the success of a green cleaning program. In fact, even the way we clean can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of green cleaning.
While switching to a green cleaning program may require a little forethought and some upfront expense, the benefits are many. Here are four great reasons to go green:
1) Protecting The Environment
The number one reason to switch to a green cleaning program is the environment. Using eco-friendly cleaning procedures not only improves your immediate environment (i.e. your office, home, or commercial building), but eco-friendly cleaning is better for the natural environment as well.
Green cleaning practices help to reduce waste, avoid chemical pollutants, encourage recycling, and reduce water usage. In addition, going green when cleaning can lessen water pollution, air pollution, climate change, and ozone depletion. All of these impacts are beneficial to our natural environment and all the living things that rely upon it.
2) Green Cleaning Improves Indoor Air Quality
Traditional cleaning chemicals often contain chemicals that can negatively impact indoor air quality. Chief among these are what are known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs can cause headaches, respiratory irritation, and other symptoms that affect health and productivity. In addition, traditional cleaning equipment and procedures also contribute to poor indoor air quality.
Green cleaning chemicals are intended to be low-VOC, contain no known carcinogens, are non-toxic, and are biodegradable. They are also fragrance-free. These attributes help reduce the number of pollutants released into the air. In addition, the use of microfiber cleaning cloths and HEPA filtered vacuum cleaners helps reduce the amount of dust and other pollutants in your indoor space.
3) Reducing Cross-Contamination
Green cleaning procedures involve the use of microfiber cleaning cloths, dust cloths, and mops. Microfiber is proven to trap more dirt than traditional cleaning materials. This helps to reduce cross-contamination by ensuring that dirt and bacteria are being trapped in the microfiber as opposed to simply being pushed to other areas of the facility.
4) Green Cleaning Promotes Recycling
A proper green cleaning program promotes recycling. Green cleaning solutions are often packaged with recycled materials and are also refillable, reducing waste. Microfiber cloths and mop heads can be cleaned and reused. Your green cleaning program should also utilize recycled paper products for kitchens and restrooms as well as mop buckets and trash cans produced from recycled materials.
Is Your Facility Ready To Go Green?
Complete Care Maintenance can help your facility go green with green cleaning programs customized for your business. Call or contact us today to learn how we can help.