Add Commercial Cleaning To Your Marketing Plan
There is no doubt that the past year has changed the way that many businesses do business, and it has changed the way many business owners market their business. In a world still gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more businesses are recognizing that commercial cleaning should be a part of their marketing plan.
It is no longer enough to allow in-house staff to manage your business’ cleaning regimen. Cleaning has become so intricately entwined with the safety and value of a business that many business owners are turning to commercial cleaning companies to meet the demands and alleviate the concerns of a post-pandemic public.
What Consumers Want
In a recent study commissioned by Vital Vio 76% of respondents said they’re going to hold businesses accountable for how they clean their spaces and 51% won’t patronize establishments that aren’t transparent about their cleaning practices. StudyFinds reported a whopping 82% of Americans “said they are now more aware of, and concerned about, cleaning protocols in public areas,”.
For businesses looking to bring back customers, these statistics should be seen as an important marketing opportunity. Regardless of what business niche you operate in, the most important aspect of any business is meeting customer needs and expectations. As these statistics show, customer needs and expectations have shifted in the post-pandemic world and there is much more emphasis being placed on cleanliness. In the customer’s eyes, businesses are responsible for protecting the health of their patrons, and the majority of customers want visible indications that a business is making every effort to meet this responsibility.
Why Commercial Cleaning Makes Sense
Experienced commercial cleaning companies have always been well-versed in proper cleaning and disinfecting protocols. Many commercial cleaning contractors even provide services to hospitals and medical facilities. The point is that these companies understand how to properly clean and disinfect. In a post-pandemic world, this level of expertise means a lot to consumers still concerned about safety in public spaces. Commercial cleaning companies are trusted by consumers to clean and disinfect things the right way. Businesses that openly advertise their utilization of commercial cleaning services benefit from this consumer trust.
How To Add Commercial Cleaning To Your Marketing Plan
If you are like most businesses you are already meeting customer demands by enforcing mask mandates, employee temperature checks, and the provision of hand sanitizers. These are all visible cues to consumers that you take their health and well-being seriously. The reality is that you have already added health and safety measures to your marketing program. Adding commercial cleaning is a logical next step that can set your business apart from the competition.
Hire a Qualified Contractor
The first step to adding commercial cleaning to your marketing plan is to hire a qualified commercial cleaning contractor. You should seek out commercial cleaning companies that have extensive experience, that have set cleaning and disinfecting protocols, and that have experience cleaning in hospital-grade environments. These are the companies that understand cleaning and disinfecting, cross-contamination, and what chemicals and procedures to use while cleaning.
Set A Cleaning Schedule
Step two is to decide whether you want your commercial cleaning crew to work during or after business hours. Having uniformed commercial cleaning crews or day porters work during business hours is a clear sign to customers that you are making every effort to ensure a safe environment. And in reality, on-site cleaning personnel do promote a cleaner workplace. They will continually clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces throughout the day, ensure that bathrooms and entryways are clean and sanitary, and be there to address unplanned spills or weather-related messes.
Of course, for many businesses having a cleaning crew or day porter present during business hours is just not practical. For these businesses having your establishment deep cleaned after hours is a more logical choice. This ensures that your place of business is always clean and sanitary at the start of each day. These businesses can promote the fact that their establishments are professionally cleaned and disinfected through the use of prominent signage, websites, television, and other paid advertising platforms.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that consumers want to know what you are doing to protect their health and well-being when they are patronizing your business. And while masks and hand sanitizers can go a long way toward bolstering consumer confidence, customers want to know that the environment is clean and sanitary. Nothing can satisfy this desire more than the transparent use of a qualified commercial cleaning service.